Student Solution


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Periodic Tables

Periodic Tables

Q Instructions Post: You may think that there have only been a few periodic tables since antiquity. However, there have been hundreds of periodic tables proposed. Find two periodic tables on the Meta-Synthesis website (Links to an external site.), one from 1900 - present and one dating prior to 1900, that you find particularly helpful in allowing you to see the relationships between the elements and provide an on explanation why you find it to be helpful. Copy and paste a photo of the periodic tables you chose into your post. (at least 100 words). Replies: Then, engage in a meaningful conversation with at least two classmates. Refrain from using terms like "I agree" or "I disagree" in your posts. (at least 50 words), Grading Points: 100 pts Rubric: Click on the dots in the upper right to see the rubric. Category: Participation

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The Periodic Table I have chosen from before the 1900's is Rang's Periodic Arrangements of the elements. This representation breaks the elements down into 4 groups, A, B, C, and D. Group A has the strongest positive elements while Group D has the strongest negative elements. Group B has high melting points and Group C is heavy metals with low melting points. This chart breaks up the elements into their characteristics which made it easier to understand the relationship between certain elements. This allows the comparison of positive and negative elements along with melting points.